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5 Powerful Tips To Create WhatsApp Drip Campaigns For More Conversions

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

WhatsApp Drip Campaign Tips

WhatsApp drip campaigns make every marketer’s dream come true; they are personalized, automated, and deliver 70% higher audience engagement than traditional email drip campaigns. But the results always come down to how effective drip campaigns you create on WhatsApp.

So, we have a list of 5 powerful WhatsApp drip campaign tips for you to get the most out of this platform.

Want to learn what WhatsApp drip campaigns are?!

WhatsApp Drip Campaign Tips: How to Create a Drip Campaign on WhatsApp

1. Identify clear goals for your business

For successful WhatsApp drip automation, you need to define clear objectives, which you want to achieve through these campaigns. These goals can be:

  • Selling more to your existing customers.

  • Educating your prospects about your brand, products, and services.

  • Establishing your company as a market leader.

  • Building and maintaining relationships with prospective and existing customers.

2. Design multiple drip campaigns targeting different purposes

WhatsApp takes your voice closest to each and every prospect. So, you can get the most out of it by designing personalized campaigns rather than sending a general message to everyone. For example, you can divide your strategy into the following types of drip campaigns on WhatsApp:

  • A new person who has just spent some time on your website.

  • A prospect who has inquired about your product/service once.

  • A customer who earlier bought your product using a discount coupon.

  • A potential customer living in a specific location.

  • A prospect who seems interested in knowing more about your product.

And more!

There are unlimited versions of drip campaigns you can create on WhatsApp. Just make sure that it aligns with your marketing and sales objectives, and serves the needs of your prospective and existing customers.

3. Experiment with time intervals

It might be tempting to send as many messages as you can through WhatsApp, but you should avoid that. Finding a perfect frequency is probably the trickiest part of WhatsApp drip marketing because it changes for every business and even for every customer.

Here are the factors that would play a vital role in deciding the frequency of WhatsApp drip messages:

  • What’s the persona of a prospect you’re targeting?

  • Where does a prospect stand in your marketing or sales funnel?

  • When does a prospect/customer stay most active on WhatsApp?

Keeping the above-mentioned questions in mind, you can experiment with different time intervals for different personas to find a perfect frequency that delivers maximum outcomes.

4. Create a synched series of messages

Your prospects and customers would appreciate your drip messages if you create a campaign series. So, you can start with a ‘welcome message’ and then send ‘product details’, ‘follow-up message’, ‘a demonstration video’, ‘a discount coupon’, and so on. Decide which messages would go in what sequence over a set period of time. This will increase the conversion ratio by 20% right away.

5. Offer hyper-personalized value

Don’t focus so much on promoting your business, product, or service that you forget about giving value to your customers. Make every drip campaign a helpful source of information, specifically created for each and every individual you target. This value-driven approach will not only enable you to increase your MQLs and SQLs but build strong relationships with customers as well.

How ORAI can Help You!

At ORAI, we have successfully brought automated drip campaigns to WhatsApp- a platform where more than 2 billion people stay active 24*7.

Our AI-powered WhatsApp chatbot and WhatsApp Business API come along with this exclusive drip campaign feature for you to apply efforts where maximum results can be obtained.

Feeling interested to know more about how drip campaigns work on WhatsApp?! Talk to our experts or book a FREE DEMO right away!

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Swapnil Jain

CEO-ORAI Robotics

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