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Writer's pictureSwapnil Jain

7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs ORAI- Robotic Virtual Assistant

Updated: Nov 10, 2022

A meaningful conversation with any person sitting on the other side of the screen has largely to do with the choice of words, understanding of emotions, and relevant replies. Businesses and brands have long been dependent on messages, emails, and cold calls to acquire new customers and retain old ones. However, the trends in the use of technology, internet, and messaging platforms have brought a massive shift in the way people communicate and reach brands. This is where the use of new technologies and chatbots come in.

Unlike emails or SMSs, where the interaction is usually one way, chatbots allow you to interact with the customers in real-time, creating an illusion of talking to an actual human being. In fact, according to a report by Grand View Research, it was projected that the chatbot market will reach $1.25 billion by 2020. 2020 is already here and we can see the dynamic shift businesses have made from conventional methods to chatbot marketing in the recent past.

If you are still wondering why your business needs to deploy ORAI- Robotic Virtual Assistant (ORAI Chatbot), here we are, giving you seven strong reasons:

1. ORAI for Easy Operational Scalability

Owing to the large number of queries flowing in every day, it is humanly impossible to cater to each and every query at one instance and inability to follow up on a query directly leads to loss of potential customers. However, OSHI Robotic Virtual Assistant can handle multiple queries at a time, bypassing the need for human interaction in the initial phase thus increasing efficiency and reducing efforts. Sales and marketing teams can be notified about the leads after which the lead conversion process is initiated.

2. OSHI for Handling Multiple Queries at a Time

Customer service representatives can only handle a couple of chats or one customer call at a time. This creates a massive communication gap, which leads to losing customer’s interest in the brand. Deploying OSHI would ensure that not a single lead leaves the business page without their queries resolved or having sufficient information. This also helps increase efficiency of the team, which can cater to serious leads while ORAI takes care of regular queries and information seeking.

3. OSHI for Building Trust Through Human-like Conversation

Promptness and genuinity in service is a major factor that leads to value enhancement of any business. In order to keep a customer engaged in a conversation, it is important to understand their mood and intent during the interaction. Using cutting edge technologies of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP), ORAI facilitates a conversation that feels as naturally human as possible.

4. ORAI for Keyword and Location Insights

Though automation allows chatbots to gather, validate and save information, it is equally important to bring that data to use in a broader picture of the business. ORAI platform comes with a dedicated section for location and keyword tracking, which gives the business an insight about the regions from where the queries are pouring in and also the keywords used. This allows you to tap specific regions for marketing and customizing websites and metatags for respective keywords.

5. ORAI for Instant Data Verification and Efficiency

Data gathered from customers during service calls is prone to human error as well as inability to verify relevant and authentic data. However, when it comes to ORAI, the data is instantly verified in the backend, which helps convert a lead faster as the time spent in multiple interactions drastically reduces. This resolves two major roadblocks in lead conversion:

  1. Time spent in trying to validate the data to connect with the customer

  2. The inauthenticity of data that leads to loss of a future customer

6. ORAI for an Omnichannel Experience

Gone are the days when SMS, emails, and cold calls used to work in the favour of the brands. With the advent of several social media channels, entertainment websites, and communication platforms, user retention has reduced drastically. The rate of opening an email or responding to cold calls has seen a downfall in recent times. With changing consumer behaviour, it is also necessary to adapt to changing technologies and mode of communication. OSHI helps you connect with the customers that is as easy as chatting on Whatsapp, Facebook messenger, or on Instagram DM. Bring the change in your communication and see it’s ripple effect on your business growth.

7. ORAI for Targeting Millennials

Every business out there is trying to target the millennial market in order to bring their product or service in the public eye. Millennials tend to do vast research before finalising on one particular thing, which makes it even more difficult to grab their attention. With reduced attention span, increased use of the internet, and tendency to prefer chats over calls, it has become necessary to interact instantaneously in order to get a hold of their choices. ORAI facilitates instant and relevant communication that helps target the millennial generation faster.

An intelligent robotic virtual assistance like OSHI is all your business needs in order to enhance your outreach multiple folds. Chatbots don’t just act as a means for customer service but can help you push notifications, upcoming launches, offers, etc. integrated with right platform while ensuring that the customer opens and reads the chat. Times have changed and chatbots are no longer limited to websites. Integrate ORAI on your Whatsapp API, Instagram, Facebook, Website, Google meet, and also through Google assistant and Alexa’s voice-enabled virtual assistant and dive in the world of conversational AI.

If you want to set up a Chabot for your business or need a free demo, drop in a message on +91 8660161319 and we’ll help you.

7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Chatbot

  1. Easy Operational Scalability-

  2. Handling of Multiple Queries at a Time

  3. Building trust through human-like conversation

  4. Keyword and location insights

  5. Instant data verification and efficiency

  6. Omnichannel experience

  7. Targeting millennials

Stay connected!

Swapnil Jain

CEO-ORAI Robotics

Stay in contact with ORAI

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